I want to invite you to join me in exploring the story of God's plan of redemption through a year long series of sermons and study called "CASKET EMPTY." Developed by Drs. Carol Kaminski and David Palmer, CASKET EMPTY is a themed way of studying the Bible as one coherent story of salvation. The word CASKET EMPTY is an acronym for the entire Bible, with each letter representing a key period in the redemptive story. In short, it is a memory device designed to help you understand the Bible - and remember it.

I first encountered this material at the West Coast Presbyterian Pastors' Conference last year and was inspired to adapt it for our use here at First Presbyterian. I love the idea of having our whole congregation engage with the Biblical narrative together and see it as one story. We'll be centering our worship and study experiences around seeing the thread the ties all of Scripture together.

Beginning on Sunday, August 16th, you'll be invited to enter the story and claim it as your own. There are a number of ways for you to be involved:


  • Join in each Sunday (currently online) for our worship services as we explore the meaning of each part of the story - beginning at the beginning!
  • Read the selected (abridged) texts each week. A reading plan is available for you to follow OR you can read along in "The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People" by Zondervan.
  • Join a weekly class (currently online) for deeper study of "The Story. Carrie will be offering hers via Zoom.


See the reference list below on what materials might be helpful to you. The Story and the accompanying study guide are available from Amazon, both in print and on the Kindle. 

Please let me know how you'll be participating. I'd like to see how many are reading along and interested in joining a discussion group.

Please take this opportunity to engage in the amazing story of God's redemption from beginning to end - with Christ at the center and you as the object of God's love!

The Peace of Christ be with You!

This information has been mailed out to each church household, with printed materials provided for you to be involved!

Please contact the church office to request your own materials!

Sermon Schedule

Reading Plan with "The Story"

Aug 16 - Chapter 1
Aug 23 - Creation
Aug 30 - Adam and Eve
Sept 6 - Noah
Sept 13 - Chapter 2
Sept 20 - Chapter 3
Sept 27 - Chapter 4, 5 & 6
Oct 4 - Chapter 7, 8 & 9
Oct 11 - Chapter 10, 11 & 12
Oct 18 - Chapter 13
Oct 25 - Chapter 14 & 15
Nov 1 - Chapter 16 & 17
Nov 8 - Chapter 18
Nov 15 - Chapter 19, 20 & 21

Nov 22 - reflections on intertestmental history

Nov 29 - reflections on messianic prophecy



Dec 6 - Chapter 22

—series on break—

Feb 21 - Chapter 23

Feb 28 - Chapter 24

Mar 7 - Chapter 25

Mar 14 - Lenten Reflections

Mar 21 - Lenten Reflections

Mar 28 - Chapter 26

Apr 4 - Chapter 27

—series on break—



May 23 - Chapter 28

May 30 - Reflections on Acts

June 6 - Reflections on Acts



June 13 - Chapter 29

June 20 - Chapter 30

June 27 - Reflections on The Apostles



July 4 - Chapter 31

July 11 - Concluding Reflections

Resources Available:
The Story (Hardback) - $12.19
The Story (Kindle) - $7.99
Study Guide and Reference Guide also available on Amazon

Casket Empty - Old Testament - Kindle $.9.99 | Hardback $19.99
Casket Empty - New Testament - 
Kindle $.9.99 | Hardback $19.99

The Story
The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People

READING GUIDE (by chapter)

"The Story" is a selection of selected texts from Scripture, put together in chronological order with additional comments and connecting reflections. It is written in a way to help the reader see the texts as one connected story.  If you don't plan on purchasing "The Story" - you can still follow along with us each week by following the reading guide below:

  1. Creation: The Beginning of Life as We Know It: Genesis 1-4; 6-9
  2. God Builds a Nation: Genesis 12-13; 15-17; 21-22; 32-33; 35. Romans 4; Hebrews 11
  3. Joseph: From Slave to Deputy Pharaoh: Genesis 37; 39; 41-48; 50
  4. Deliverance: Exodus 1-7; 10-17
  5. New Commands and a New Covenant: Exodus 19-20; 24-25; 32 - 34; 40
  6. Wandering: Numbers 10-14; 20-21; 25; 27; Deuteronomy 1-2; 4; 6; 8-9; 29-32; 34
  7. The Battle Begins: Joshua 1-2; 6; 8; 10-11; 23-24
  8. A Few Good Men . . . and Women: Judges 2-4; 6-8; 13-16
  9. The Faith of a Foreign Woman: Ruth 1-4
  10. Standing Tall, Falling Hard: 1 Samuel 1-4; 8-13; 15
  11. From Shepherd to King: 1 Samuel 16-18; 24; 31; 2 Samuel 6; 22; 1 Chronicles 17; Psalm 59
  12. The Trials of a King: 2 Samuel 11-12; 18-19; 1 Chronicles 22; 29; Psalms 23; 32; 51
  13. The King Who Had It All: 1 Kings 1-8; 10-11; 2 Chronicles 5-7; Proverbs 1-3; 6; 20-21
  14. 14.A Kingdom Torn in Two: 1 Kings 12-16
  15. God's Messengers: 1 Kings 17-19; 2 Kings 2; 4; 6; Hosea 4-5; 8-9; 14; Amos 1; 3-5; 9
  16. The Beginning of the End: 2 Kings 17-19; Isaiah 3; 6; 13-14; 49; 53
  17. The Kingdoms' Fall: 2 Kings 21; 23-25; 2 Chronicles 33; 36; Jeremiah 1-2; 4-5; 13; 21; Lamentations 1-3; 5; Ezekiel 1-2; 6-7; 36-37
  18. Daniel in Exile: Daniel 1-3; 6; Jeremiah 29-31
  19. The Return Home: Ezra 1-6; Haggai 1-2; Zechariah 1; 8
  20. The Queen of Beauty and Courage: Esther 1-9
  21. Rebuilding the Walls: Ezra 7; Nehemiah 1-2; 4; 6-8; Malachi 1-4
  22. The Birth of the King: Matthew 1-2; Luke 1-2; John 1
  23. Jesus' Ministry Begins: Matthew 3-4; 11; Mark 1-3; Luke 8; John 1-4
  24. No Ordinary Man: Matthew 5-7; 9; 14; Mark 4-6; Luke 10; 15; John 6
  25. Jesus, the Son of God: Matthew 17; 21; Mark 8-12; 14; Luke 9; 22;  John 7-8; 11-12
  26. The Hour of Darkness: Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23;  John 13-14; 16-19
  27. The Resurrection: Matthew 27-28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 19-21
  28. New Beginnings: Acts 1-10; 12           
  29. Paul's Mission: Acts 13-14; 16-20; Romans 1; 3-6; 8; 12; 15; 1 Corinthians 1; 3; 5-6; 10; 12-13; 15-16;Galatians 1; 3; 5-6; 1 Thessalonians 1-5
  30. Paul's Final Days: Acts 20-23; 27-28, Ephesians 1-6; 2 Timothy 1-4
  31. The End of Time: Revelation 1-5; 19-22


(c) The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People. 2005, Zondervan.

Download Materials

CASKET EMPTY Overview          The Story Reading Plan           On Your Own Reading Guide

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